Transport Information

Buses service the College from all areas of the Central Coast.

Opal Cards are used by all students.

Information about routes and availability of service is available in the links below. 

If parents wish to find out what time a bus arrives at their stop please phone the Bus Company as no detailed timetables are issued to YVCS.

Students are issued Opal Cards that they must have available to show drivers when they get on the bus. All buses pull into the Bus Bay outside our car park and all bus lines are supervised by teachers on duty.

Behaviour on buses is overseen by Bus Monitors appointed from GPCC Senior School.

The Assisted School Travel Program

Many of our students access the Assisted Travel Support Program provided by the Department of education and this service is a door to door service from home to school each day.

The Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP) is a NSW State Government service administered by the NSW Department of Education. The aim of the ASTP is to support eligible students who may not otherwise be able to access education without the provision of assistance to travel to school.

Please download the form and complete Part A. The form is then emailed to the Principal of YVCS to complete Part B.

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